Programme of Careers
Programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Remember no matter what age you are or what year you are in, you can always ask to see Mrs Ryder Wolf.
Drop by the Sixth Form Centre or ask your tutor to arrange an appointment for you.
Year 7
- Introduction to careers and career pathways assembly
- Qualities and subject preferences
Year 8
- Raising aspirations assembly
- Self-awareness-skills and qualities
- Online careers information sessions
- Futures week
Year 9
- Options assembly
- Careers Guidance interviews
- Higher Education visit
- Online careers information sessions
- Options Evening
Year 10
- Employability skills workshop
- Futures Week
- HE information and taster days
- Post 16 options sessions
- Careers Guidance interviews
Year 11
- Post 16 options sessions
- Careers Guidance interviews
- CV and application support
- HE information assemblies
- University and Student finance talks
Sixth Form
- University visits and subject tasters days
- UCAS convention trip
- HE and UCAS talks
- Student Finance talks
- Gap year and volunteering abroad talks
- Twice weekly UCAS workshops
- One to one UCAS application and personal statement support
- Labour Market Information and employability workshops
- One to one targeted apprenticeship and labour market intervention
- CV and application letter support
- Careers Guidance Interviews with qualified careers advisers–in house and independent
- Work Experience