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Community Cohesion

Community Cohesion – Preventing Extremism

Statement of Intent

The Weston Favell Academy aims to:

  • Safeguard and protect the welfare of pupils
  • Fully promote community cohesion
  • Create a community that is resilient to different forms of extremism
  • Manage risks that may have an impact on the school community

This will be done through:

  • Leadership and Values – promoting the core values of shared responsibility and of democratic society
  • Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum – promote universal rights and builds the resilience of pupils to explore controversial issues
  • Pupil Support – staff take preventative steps to implement anti-bullying policies and challenge racist behaviour
  • Manage Risks – understanding and managing internal and external risks, respond appropriately to local, national or international news that may impact on pupils and develop ICT security and responsible user policies

Staff will ensure that pupils:

  • Become critical users of media and technology
  • Accept their own and others identity – cultural diversity
  • Become global citizens
  • Become independent enquirers and effective participators