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Frequently Asked Questions


Will I be met on my first day? 

On the first day you will be met by your Form Tutor. You will go to your Tutor room where you will have time to get to know the rest of your class. Only year 7 and 12 will be in on the first day to give you a chance to find your way around. You do not need PE kit, but you should bring a packed lunch. 

What happens if I get lost, or am late to a lesson? 

Please do not worry, every new Year 7 is in the same situation. You will be given a tour of the school and after a few days it will be easier. If you do get a bit lost, just ask any teacher or student, they will be happy to direct you. Remember we all had a first day at school. 

For the first few week’s teachers will be understanding if you are a little late to class, but you will find your way round very quickly.  

How do I get my student card and how do I load money onto it? 

We will get your student card ready for you for the first day. We are a cashless site, so you cannot pay for food with cash. Your parents will receive a login for online payments once you have started and they can load money onto your account. Please bring a packed lunch for the first couple of days.  

What is there for lunch and where do I go?

We have two areas where you can buy food at break and lunchtime. The café sells snack items such as sausage rolls, panini's, waffles and muffins. The main restaurant sells snack items at break, but at lunch they offer pasta pots, sandwiches, salads, jacket potatoes, a main meal including a vegetarian option.  

What if I have free school meals at my primary school?

Your primary school will let us know and these will be added to your lunch account, they will have to be used each day, you cannot save unused lunches.  

Will my friends be in the same class/form?

Tutor groups and practical classes are mixed, however we try to put you with at least one other child from your primary school where possible. Maths, English and science classes will be set by ability. Please do not worry, this is a time when you can make new friends, remember everyone is new and feeling just like you.  

What will I need to bring with me?

You will need to be in full uniform on the first day (information is on the website). You will also need a schoolbag, pencil case with pens, pencils, ruler and a scientific calculator. An equipment list can be found on the academy website in the transition section. 

Where do I go if I feel unwell? 

You will have a Year 7 Deputy Head of Year who you can go and see if you have any worries, including feeling unwell. 

How much homework will I have? 

Homework is set by subject teachers on TEAMS. You will be shown how to log in during your first few days. If you do not have a device at home, please let us know as we may be able to loan you one.  

What opportunities are there for Year 7 students? 

We have a student council; elections will be held in the first term.  The council meet once a term and it is a good link between the students and staff where issues can be raised.

We have a large extra-curricular and enrichment programme, lots of clubs available during lunch and after school, including sports teams.  


We know you will have lots of questions about starting secondary school with us, we hope that we have answered the most common questions here. If you are still unsure and wish to ask us something then please complete this form, and we will get in touch with you. 

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