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WFA hosts third annual Steps to Success Evening 

Thursday 16th November saw the return of our annual Steps to Success combined with Post 16 Information Evening.

This was our third consecutive Steps to Success Evening and it proved to be as popular as ever with an impressive 75% of our year 11 students and their parents attending. 

Mr Chambers gave a presentation about Sixth Form at WFA and Ms Leventhal spoke about our new Honours Programme we launched for year 11 students on the evening. 

The Honours Programme is aimed at rewarding students for working hard, consistently attending school and conducting themselves with high standards around the academy.

All students who meet the relevant criteria receive a platinum tie which they can wear around the academy with pride. This tie signifies that they are eligible for ongoing privileges across the academy including:

- Use of the atrium canteen at lunch and break alongside staff and sixth formers

- Access to and from the academy via the main entrance

- An open forum with the Principal to discuss more privileges

- Friday Lounge - exclusive access to the VIP lounge on Fridays (chill space with music and mobiles allowed at lunch)

- Special rewards via the Purple Points Store

We also invited a number of external agencies to offer advice and information on the services they offer. Companies who attended included DHL, the National Citizen Cervice and Santander who provided information on residentials, apprenticeships, finance courses and skills in the work place. 

Staff and Heads of Department from each subject were on hand in the Falcon Suite and Sixth Form Study Centre to provide information on what studying their subject at A Level involves. 

Every Year 11 student was given a free goody bag which included a Steps to Success booklet offering advice on revising for GCSE and subject specific revision tips, a Sixth Form Prospectus and an English Snap revision guide. Lucky competition winners were also given core subject revision guides (pictured)!

More revision guides can be ordered from Mrs Simons in Finance Reception.

Electronic copies of the Steps to Success booklet and Sixth Form Prospectus are available below. 

More information can be found on the Sixth Form page of our website and on the Steps to Success page