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GCSE success 2017

Pupils at the Weston Favell Academy are celebrating after receiving their results for their GCSE or equivalent courses of study.

The unvalidated data indicates that for the second consecutive year, results have improved across the board and are again the highest level that the academy and the predecessor school has ever achieved. This improvement is reflective of a change in student ethos and a dedicated and hardworking staff body.

The percentage of students achieving a pass in English, equivalent to the former C grade, has risen by 20 per cent to 69 per cent and the percentage achieving a pass in mathematics now stands at an impressive 68 per cent. Additionally, the percentage of students achieving a pass in both English and mathematics is 58 per cent, an improvement of 10 per cent on last year and very close to the national average for the first time.

Also for the first time, the results indicate that boys have outperformed girls which bucks the national trend.

The academy is particularly delighted that a number of students have reached the exceptional high standard of grade 9 in the new, more rigorous English and mathematics examinations, placing them amongst the top performing students across the country.

In summary 95 per cent of students are leaving the academy with five GCSE or equivalents which is a five per cent increase on last year. Whilst all students have done well, there are some that have a particular cause to celebrate:

• Matt Edge, the top performer, has gained an impressive grade 9 in both English Literature and mathematics and a grade 8 in English Language plus six A* grades.

• Aniket Singh achieved a grade 9 in mathematics and a grade 8 in both English Language and English Literature plus four A* grades, one A grade and one B grade.

• Nathanial Kiloh-Munns gained a grade 9 in mathematics and a grade 8 in both English Language and English Literature plus two A* grades and three A grades.

• Richa Patel, the top performing girl, gained a grade 9 in English Literature, a grade 8 in mathematics and a grade 7 in English Language plus two A* and two A grades.

• Imogen Holdaway has gained a grade 9 in both English Language and English Literature, a grade 7 in mathematics plus two A*s grades, one A grade and one B grade.

• Tasnim Ali, who is one of the top performing students and the student who has made the most progress since joining the academy, gained a grade 9 in English Literature, a grade 8 in English Language and a grade 7 in mathematics plus four A grades, a Distinction* and a Merit.

• Daniel Kirchin, the boy who has made most progress since joining the academy, has gained a grade 9 in English Literature, a grade 7 in mathematics and a grade 6 in English Language plus three A grades and four B grades.

Rachel Steele, Principal, said: “These results are extremely pleasing and a very clear demonstration of the impact of improvement strategies and significant progress made by the academy over the last two years. They are a testament to the dedication, commitment and sheer hard work of the entire academy community – leaders, staff and students. I am delighted that so many students have achieved so well, there are some amazing individual performances in terms of both attainment and progress. I am immensely proud of our students and wish them well in the next stages of their careers and studies. “As I retire this summer I am proud and pleased that the academy is now in a strong position to grow and consolidate further these improvements and I wish all the staff and students much success in their future endeavours.”