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Detention Update

Important change to detentions from 18th November 2024

As of Monday 18th November 2024, we are refining the way that pupils who are late to the Academy in the morning are sanctioned. 

As you are aware, pupils are expected to be on the Academy site and ready to learn by 8:40am each day.  From Monday, any pupil that arrives after 8:40am and before 10:40am without a valid note and reason will be set a break time detention that day.  This detention will run from 10:40am-11:00am.  Any pupil that does not attend the sanction will be upscaled to an hour detention after school that evening.

Pupils that arrive between 8:40 and 9:00am will be met by a member of staff in the reception area and issued with a detention slip.  Pupils that arrive after 9:00am will need to register with the member of staff on reception.  Again, these pupils will be issued with a detention slip.  Pupils are expected to bring the slip to the detention and hand it to the member of staff that is managing the sanction.  Any pupil that does not attend the sanction will be upscaled to an hour detention after school that evening.

Pupils that arrive to the Academy after 10:40am without a valid note or reason will receive a detention until 4pm that day.


Mr Lucas

Senior Assistant Principal - Behaviour